Thursday, April 30, 2009
My Netflix
On a celebratory note- I have had the same cell phone since September and I have not damaged or lost it yet it yet. (knock on wood)
on a somber note- I recently got Netflix and I am on my second ...yes that's right SECOND dvd, and I lost it somewhere. It is the second disk of the 3rd season of 30 rock. Hopefully a roommate has it!
Sad face.
The Variable
1. They do a really good job finding appropriate looking kid actors here, Little Charlie looks like desmond and penny, little aaron looks like Claire, little Charlotte looks like a little Charlotte, and little Faraday looks like a little Faraday.
... they do a much worse job finding the appropriate wigs for younger versions of Ben, Widmore, John Locke etc.
2. Faraday lost his free will when he was 7. bummer.
3. I totally called it on Elloise being the woman from the 1954 sequence.
4. Sawyer and Julliet lose there chance at living a happy existance in the Dharma camp. Tragic.
4. Faraday loses some neck skin in the gun fight... (side note- a friend pointed out to me how comical all the gun scenes on LOST are because none of the characters are good marksmen...aside from Sayid... watch the next gun scene with this in mind.. its funny)
5. Blah Blah Blah Widmore is Faradays Father
6. Blah Blah Blah Faraday loses his life and got killed by his own Mother. That is f'ed up. She better have a real good reason for that.
Thursday, April 23, 2009

So, since this weeks episode wasnt new... I'm going to introduce you to a though that has been marinating in my brain.
The Kate/Jack/Juliet/Sawyer combo is actually the same as Veronica/Jughead/Betty/Archie/
Kate= Veronica
Jack= Jughead
Juliet= Betty
Sawyer= Archie.
Every time I see these characters on the screen I think back to these comic books.
or maybe its more like a Saved by the Bell kind of thing
Jesse= Juliet
Sawyer= A.C
Kate= Kelly
The switched the hair colors around, but you get the point
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday Pick me up
(although it took her 2 whole weeks of living with me to tell me this)
New roommate had a run in with Matt Fox and apparently I look a lot like his wife! I will be planning the switcheroo in the next several weeks!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Some like it Hoth
So some things that were lost:
1. Miles mom lost her patience with Miles. And I would too! That kid looks like he was one huge pain in the rear!
2. Old neighbor lost his life. Miles was a creepy and annoying kid... no surprises here. Whats funny is that last week's episode was titled "Dead is Dead." and I guess its really not that way at all... That would make sense since Ben said that line in last weeks episode and he is a liar.
3. Dharma worker lost his life "Death by tooth through brain."... I think I saw that on an episode of the Wire once.
4. I really like the dynamic between Hurley and Miles... its similar to that between Ben and Locke... it makes 2 super annoying people actually like able. Its nice how they are friends. However, I don't believe that Hurley can actually talk to dead people... I think he is crazy.5. Love the fart joke in the van. stupid
6. Kate lost any sense that she had talking to Roger. stupid idiot.
7. Miles lost his fish taco as he was pulled into the van. As an LA resident, I know how sad this can be. I thought this part of the episode was especially awesome! Im assuming that these people work on the same side as Ben, and this would mean that Ben is on the good side! Maybe we are being set up for a Dharma/ Others war?
8. I was totally lost on all of the Star Wars references.
Do you think that Miles' Mom recognized him as an adult later in his life?
Also this episode made me think of the Futurama episode "Rosswell that ends well"
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Dead is Dead
So, that being said, I really enjoyed this episode...Having John Locke as a central character this week really brought back the ethereal feel of the show, at least for me. It made me feel like anything was possible!
Its good to see Widmore's story...He’s much better looking as an old man...I think by now it was assumed that he was the old ruler of the Others and that Ben kicked him out, but good to see how it actually played out.
Rousseau lost her baby… that’s so awful that Ben took her... But this goes along with my main theory about Ben... that he actually is a good man and that everything he does is for good reason.
The Ben/Locke interactions are my favorite I wish this dialogue could be my wedding vows.
Caesar lost his life…. I’m glad I didn’t really like him.
Locke seems so much more in control and smooth this time around… I kind of like it! I guess death can do that to you. He looks so smooth in his suit!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
whatever happened, happened
Though to be fair, I actually really enjoyed this weeks episode.
So here are the things that were lost:
1. Jin lost Sayid! He has escaped into the jungle somewhere!!! eep.
2. Cassidy lost her faith in men (because of Sawyer). OH what a shame!
3. Sawyer did not lose his ability to lie...
4. Roger lost his janitor keys (really Ben stole them)
5. Little Ben lost a Lotta Blood... so Ben is supposed to be a 15 year old boy here! He looks more like 5! He would have gotten the piss kicked out of him in high school if he lived on the mainland.
6. Kate loses Aaron! This doesn't come as a shock to Kate and really not to me either. Also, I think its insane to think that Kate would be running around in 5 inch heels in a grocery store. That really irritates me and I think is by far and away one of the most unrealistic things on this show. (Right after Hurley's Dharma jumpsuit)
7. Ben loses his innocence (after being turned over to the Others). This part both weirded me out and intrigued me. What exactly does "losing his innocence" mean? We were joking that it means losing his virginity... But really weird. Also, this scene made me think of Kate as the "Pandora's box" female who is the reason for all the misfortune of other. She is the one who gives Ben to the others and who is thereby responsible for all of his wrongdoings.
8. Ben nearly lost his lunch when he saw Locke standing over him. The Locke- Ben dynamic is probably my favorite on the show. I still say Ben is not a bad guy.
oh and another thing... Im starting to be sold on the Kate Sawyer match-up. I could see Juliet and Jack together... It still bothers me that shes the consolation prize. Shes the "participation trophy" of the island.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Social Life
I will have a new post tomorrow...
in the meantime heres a little nugget...
(totally swiped this info btw)
Miles and Hurley ponder to why Ben doesn't remember Sayid shooting him in 1977 however Richard later explains that if he is to save young Ben he will not remember the shooting and therefore would be unaware of what happened. The episode was first broadcast on April 1st, 2009 (i.e., March 32nd), and it shares a number of themes with the story March Has 32 Days from Mystery Tales No. 40, the comic book that was one of Richard's items presented to John Locke as a test in "Cabin Fever". In the 1956 story, a time traveler successfully alters history when he relives a day in his own past.