Friday, May 15, 2009

Finale- Lost and Found Items

1. Sawyers Pen ran out of ink. I hate it when that happens
2. Nadia lost her life. Horredously upsetting. Sayids life is a plague of loss, torture and genearal badassness.
3. Eloise lost consciousness in the underground tunnels. I guess this makes sense. oh wait it totally doesn't.... if they blow up the whole island, they blow up the whole island. everyone goes.
4. Found Items- Rose and Bernard. So, everyone really liked this scene... they really missed this great couple blah blah blah. I didnt like it at all... I thought it was sloppily included and stupid. nothing to contribute.
5. Found Item- Vincent
6. Found Item- Drive Shaft ring... this ring seems cursed to me.
7. Juliet lost her chance at happiness. heartbreaking.
8. Lots of Dharma workers lost their lives.. Including Chang!
9. Juliet loses her life! Maybe!

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