Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Power Hour
June 30, 2009
Final 'Lost' season gains an hour
Ben We all know that on ABC's "Lost," time is extremely relative.
So why not throw an extra hour into the mix?
The sixth and final season will run 18 hours, an hour longer than originally announced. This isn't exactly earth-shattering news, granted, but for "Lost" fans heading into the final lap, every minute counts.
Though the reason for the extra time hasn't been confirmed, one insider said that the producers felt they had some extra story to tell in the final season. "Lost" starts shooting later this summer.
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Life Imitates Art
Im still giggling!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Finale- Lost and Found Items
2. Nadia lost her life. Horredously upsetting. Sayids life is a plague of loss, torture and genearal badassness.
3. Eloise lost consciousness in the underground tunnels. I guess this makes sense. oh wait it totally doesn't.... if they blow up the whole island, they blow up the whole island. everyone goes.
4. Found Items- Rose and Bernard. So, everyone really liked this scene... they really missed this great couple blah blah blah. I didnt like it at all... I thought it was sloppily included and stupid. nothing to contribute.
5. Found Item- Vincent
6. Found Item- Drive Shaft ring... this ring seems cursed to me.
7. Juliet lost her chance at happiness. heartbreaking.
8. Lots of Dharma workers lost their lives.. Including Chang!
9. Juliet loses her life! Maybe!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
And he's funny
Back to the Future
I put up with it this season... but next season if I get any texts, facebook updates, g-chat messages, or hand written letters before I see LOST on PST next year...I will be pissed!
There is only a two hour window between when LOST is over for you and for when it starts for us.
In those hours... here is a list of alternative things that you could be doing other than ruining MY LIFE:
1. sleeping (always a good choice)
2. drinking... I mean its Wednesday... there has to be a happy hour somewhere.
3. eating (nough said)
4. Watching a 2 hour movie
5. running a half marathon
6. going out to dinner
7. taking the subway to coney island and back
8. anything else... I mean I dont even need to keep listing things... Think about something you'd like to do other than ruin LOST for your West Coast friends.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Follow the Leader
Also, I did not like Kate even more than usual. I think the writers on this show are like...whats the most stupid thing this woman can say/ do and then they're like... uhhh not stupid enough... we need something even worse. And then whatever they come up with is what comes out of her mouth.
So here are some things that were lost:
1. Sense of reason. So, we are missing some details about what exactly everyone is actually doing on the island and how much they know. But, it amazes me that the others and the dharma people are so willing to just believe people when they tell them they are from the future. I am going to start going around telling people I am from the future and oh, I dunno... start a career as a trend expert. It seems really easy so yeah, I'm gonna do that.
2. Locke lost that va jay jay he was carrying around for so long and actually grew a pair. I love the suit look on him! It really works!
3. I really lost my patience with this kate-jack- juliet- sawyer thing. Just decide already.
4. Juliet and Sawyer lost some blood on their faces, oh so did Jack. There was a lot of face smacking in this episode.
5. Hurley lost track of who the president was. To be perfecty frank with you- I probably wouldn't know who the US president then was too. But, wouldnt you want to learn- like quick?
6. Kate almost lost her life... but oh, wait Erik did instead. (YEEAHH SAYID... YEAHHH BOYYYEE!!!) This is just another example of how stupid Kate is and how freaking awesome Sayid is.
Some other comments...-So, we finally know that that the cast members in 1977 die. That s a bummer, but we now know that Jack has to blow up that bomb....
-I thought Sawyer's comment about buying Microsoft was particularly funny. I probably would do that and I would write Harry Potter.
-The scene with Miles looking at his father sending off him and his mother was particularly touching to me. So many times it would be nice to step out of yourself and see why certain things happened.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
My Netflix
On a celebratory note- I have had the same cell phone since September and I have not damaged or lost it yet it yet. (knock on wood)
on a somber note- I recently got Netflix and I am on my second ...yes that's right SECOND dvd, and I lost it somewhere. It is the second disk of the 3rd season of 30 rock. Hopefully a roommate has it!
Sad face.
The Variable
1. They do a really good job finding appropriate looking kid actors here, Little Charlie looks like desmond and penny, little aaron looks like Claire, little Charlotte looks like a little Charlotte, and little Faraday looks like a little Faraday.
... they do a much worse job finding the appropriate wigs for younger versions of Ben, Widmore, John Locke etc.
2. Faraday lost his free will when he was 7. bummer.
3. I totally called it on Elloise being the woman from the 1954 sequence.
4. Sawyer and Julliet lose there chance at living a happy existance in the Dharma camp. Tragic.
4. Faraday loses some neck skin in the gun fight... (side note- a friend pointed out to me how comical all the gun scenes on LOST are because none of the characters are good marksmen...aside from Sayid... watch the next gun scene with this in mind.. its funny)
5. Blah Blah Blah Widmore is Faradays Father
6. Blah Blah Blah Faraday loses his life and got killed by his own Mother. That is f'ed up. She better have a real good reason for that.
Thursday, April 23, 2009

So, since this weeks episode wasnt new... I'm going to introduce you to a though that has been marinating in my brain.
The Kate/Jack/Juliet/Sawyer combo is actually the same as Veronica/Jughead/Betty/Archie/
Kate= Veronica
Jack= Jughead
Juliet= Betty
Sawyer= Archie.
Every time I see these characters on the screen I think back to these comic books.
or maybe its more like a Saved by the Bell kind of thing
Jesse= Juliet
Sawyer= A.C
Kate= Kelly
The switched the hair colors around, but you get the point
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday Pick me up
(although it took her 2 whole weeks of living with me to tell me this)
New roommate had a run in with Matt Fox and apparently I look a lot like his wife! I will be planning the switcheroo in the next several weeks!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Some like it Hoth
So some things that were lost:
1. Miles mom lost her patience with Miles. And I would too! That kid looks like he was one huge pain in the rear!
2. Old neighbor lost his life. Miles was a creepy and annoying kid... no surprises here. Whats funny is that last week's episode was titled "Dead is Dead." and I guess its really not that way at all... That would make sense since Ben said that line in last weeks episode and he is a liar.
3. Dharma worker lost his life "Death by tooth through brain."... I think I saw that on an episode of the Wire once.
4. I really like the dynamic between Hurley and Miles... its similar to that between Ben and Locke... it makes 2 super annoying people actually like able. Its nice how they are friends. However, I don't believe that Hurley can actually talk to dead people... I think he is crazy.5. Love the fart joke in the van. stupid
6. Kate lost any sense that she had talking to Roger. stupid idiot.
7. Miles lost his fish taco as he was pulled into the van. As an LA resident, I know how sad this can be. I thought this part of the episode was especially awesome! Im assuming that these people work on the same side as Ben, and this would mean that Ben is on the good side! Maybe we are being set up for a Dharma/ Others war?
8. I was totally lost on all of the Star Wars references.
Do you think that Miles' Mom recognized him as an adult later in his life?
Also this episode made me think of the Futurama episode "Rosswell that ends well"
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Dead is Dead
So, that being said, I really enjoyed this episode...Having John Locke as a central character this week really brought back the ethereal feel of the show, at least for me. It made me feel like anything was possible!
Its good to see Widmore's story...He’s much better looking as an old man...I think by now it was assumed that he was the old ruler of the Others and that Ben kicked him out, but good to see how it actually played out.
Rousseau lost her baby… that’s so awful that Ben took her... But this goes along with my main theory about Ben... that he actually is a good man and that everything he does is for good reason.
The Ben/Locke interactions are my favorite I wish this dialogue could be my wedding vows.
Caesar lost his life…. I’m glad I didn’t really like him.
Locke seems so much more in control and smooth this time around… I kind of like it! I guess death can do that to you. He looks so smooth in his suit!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
whatever happened, happened
Though to be fair, I actually really enjoyed this weeks episode.
So here are the things that were lost:
1. Jin lost Sayid! He has escaped into the jungle somewhere!!! eep.
2. Cassidy lost her faith in men (because of Sawyer). OH what a shame!
3. Sawyer did not lose his ability to lie...
4. Roger lost his janitor keys (really Ben stole them)
5. Little Ben lost a Lotta Blood... so Ben is supposed to be a 15 year old boy here! He looks more like 5! He would have gotten the piss kicked out of him in high school if he lived on the mainland.
6. Kate loses Aaron! This doesn't come as a shock to Kate and really not to me either. Also, I think its insane to think that Kate would be running around in 5 inch heels in a grocery store. That really irritates me and I think is by far and away one of the most unrealistic things on this show. (Right after Hurley's Dharma jumpsuit)
7. Ben loses his innocence (after being turned over to the Others). This part both weirded me out and intrigued me. What exactly does "losing his innocence" mean? We were joking that it means losing his virginity... But really weird. Also, this scene made me think of Kate as the "Pandora's box" female who is the reason for all the misfortune of other. She is the one who gives Ben to the others and who is thereby responsible for all of his wrongdoings.
8. Ben nearly lost his lunch when he saw Locke standing over him. The Locke- Ben dynamic is probably my favorite on the show. I still say Ben is not a bad guy.
oh and another thing... Im starting to be sold on the Kate Sawyer match-up. I could see Juliet and Jack together... It still bothers me that shes the consolation prize. Shes the "participation trophy" of the island.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Social Life
I will have a new post tomorrow...
in the meantime heres a little nugget...
(totally swiped this info btw)
Miles and Hurley ponder to why Ben doesn't remember Sayid shooting him in 1977 however Richard later explains that if he is to save young Ben he will not remember the shooting and therefore would be unaware of what happened. The episode was first broadcast on April 1st, 2009 (i.e., March 32nd), and it shares a number of themes with the story March Has 32 Days from Mystery Tales No. 40, the comic book that was one of Richard's items presented to John Locke as a test in "Cabin Fever". In the 1956 story, a time traveler successfully alters history when he relives a day in his own past.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hes Our You
The fact that Ben brings Sayid chicken salad is funny in both the best and the worst ways. I almost though that they were going to do a flashback of the chicken getting killed and show how it somehow got to the island and then into Ben’s chicken salad sandwich. They didn’t. (also, I thought it would be great if the book that Ben gave Sayid was Harry Potter)
Russian lost his life.
Juliet loses her chance of happiness. It really bothers me that shes just the consolation prize. She seems pretty confident of her relationship with Sawyer though...
There is no way that they just happen to have a dharma jumpsuit big enough for Hurley. That is the least believable thing I’ve seen on this show so far.
Sawyer loses on the vote to keep Sayid alive.
Ben loses his life. But highly doubtful… I still maintain that Ben is a good guy just doing what he has to do.
I really like Sayid. It pains me to watch him struggle with his life. He is the tortured and the torturer in every sense of the word. His struggle is so poetic and heart wrenching. If someone said to me “he (or shes) our you”… Im not sure how I would feel. For Sayid, this must incite nothing but terror. Who would win in a fight… the terminator or Sayid? The Predator or Sayid? Ben Linus or Sayid?
So my big question is what exactly happened when Ben saw Sayid on the plane? Did Ben already know that Sayid was going to kill him? Was he about to crap his pants? Or did Ben plan it? Who knows!??! Not me… next week maybe!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Namaste, Namaskar or Namaskaram [nʌmʌsˈteː] is a common spoken greeting or salutation in the Indian subcontinent. Taken literally, it means "I bow to you". The word is derived from Sanskrit (namas): to bow.
dharma' -is an Indian spiritual and religious term, that means one's righteous duty or any virtuous path in the common sense of the term.
So...I really liked last nights episode. I was blogging from a friends house so I didn't do a play by play report.
Some things that were lost:
-Frank Lapidus lost his beard. Clean cut and ready to go.
-Frank Lapidus lost his co-pilot. Stevie Wonder could have seen that one coming.
-We lost Sayid! oh wait we found him and now he is jailed as one of the others.
-Babies... no one seems to care that Aaron and Suns's kid are MIA. whatever I'm kind of over it too. eff em.
-Farraday- Where is he? probably in some room scribbling away notes that don't makes sense and otherwise being a loser.
Other Comments:
-Regarding the new castaways- not a fan of any of them. I hope the smoke monster kills them. (FYI -I'm in a great mood this morning)
-Little Ben does a great job of being just as creepy as Big Ben. (Get it???... Big Ben?? he he)
-As a female, I can only feel bad for Juliet. I really hope Sawyer doesn't leave her for Kate. Not to say that Sawyer and Kate don't belong together because they do. Its just that the island provides everyone else with second chances, and all Juliet gets is the short end of the stick. (Or perhaps, in this case, she will get no stick at all- cheap joke).
MY theory is that Ben is a good guy and is trying to prevent the deaths of the Dharma group by going back in time. Others think that he is working for the others and trying to insure the death of the Dharma group.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
okay so something really wonderful happened today. I was actually too busy having fun to watch LOST so I have to re watch it and repost. but I am excited that it is no longer the highlight of my week! Also, I had to explain the past few seasons of LOST to someone while watching this episode... I dare any of you to try doing this... Its no easy task!
1. Lost Headaches!!! good news!
2. Lost Locke... meh. happens to the best of us
3. To be honest I cant really hear the tv too well, so maybe they lost some other stuff...
4.sawyer and juliet sitting in a tree.. K.I.S.S.I.N.G. first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage... sucking his thumb, wetting his pants, doin
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
1. Locke lost consciousness. Also, it bothers me that he told that new group of survivors on the island that he remembered dying. NO FILTER Locke.
2. Sayid has not lost his badassness. I love how he found that volunteering was his only therapy for the life he's lived.
3. I was just wondering what Micheal's son was doing. Its been a while since we've seen him and I'm glad to catch up. (wow that was nerdy)
4. Wuddup Santa Monica!!!
5. So sad that Katie Segal lost her life.
6. Regarding Locke's getaway- that is how people drive in LA all the time.
7. I really love seeing the dynamic between Locke and Ben. Locke who would never lie, even for good, and Ben who would always lie for good. One never knows what is real and what is fake, and who is really doing the most good.
8. Locke lost his life.
9. Ben maybe also lost his life.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
-Maybe this post should be a list of things that drives me nuts instead of things that are lost. Are they REALLY back on the island or is it just a dream?
-How much do you wanna bet if I walked across the map of the world with the pendulum swinging over a la Desmond that the pendulum would take me down?
-So nobody has really lost anything yet... 15 minutes in... sorry to disappoint...
-Drives me nuts thing #3. I didn't pick up on ANY of that explanation of how the Dharma initiative found the island.
-Drives me nuts thing #4. Exactly "HOW similar" do the events need to be? Like does Kate need to be wearing cuffs? Does Sun need to cheat again? loose logic
-I do appreciate the biblical reference though.
-cool rabbit!!!
-LOST item #1- old people's home lost Ray
-LOST item #2- Lost Aaron (also, I-m not sure I could bang after losing my fake kid... maybe)
-Drives me nuts thing #5- the subway 5 dollar 5 dollar footlong commercial
honestly there was too much stuff I have no idea what to write about. im done. night.
Questions of the Week
-Do we think that Grandad was on the island before????
- What is the significance of this episode name/ flight number "316?" maybe its the coordinates of the Island?
Friday, February 13, 2009
Lost Item #4
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
This Place is Death
So I am writing from an alternative location tonight… my friend Diana’s apartment… or This Place is Diana’s Apartment. I got really excited when I got out of the car after parking on her block and saw that the house across the street was #815!!! The house number was illuminated like a beacon light shining in the sky. Fate or Coincidence?
1. Suns Kid is cute. I might steal him/her... and then it would lost.
2. 11/15/88- date Rousseau landed... I just appreciate the 8s and 5s and 1s here.
3. Jin lost track of where his camp is ...it happpesn
4. Nadine lost her backpack. I've come to learn that a lost backpack on this island can lead to no good.
5. Nadine… lost her life to the smoke monster (btw we watched the smoke monster in slow mo for weird images ...nada)
6. Lacombe or Brennan (didn't really catch the right name here) lost his arm to his friends…and his life to the smoke monster. We saw this coming from a mile away.
7. The frenchies lost their sanity.
8. Jack and Ben lost Sayid and Kate and Aaron
9. James lost Locke in a … uhhh... earth?
10. Oh and Locke lost use of his leg. didnt really need it anyway.
11. Farraday lost Charlotte. This was like a "yeah, whatever" moment for me. We knew she was going to die from the moment we met her, and we knew she was on the island before.
as an aside... Jin really beefed up on that raft. Maybe a-rod should have just floated on a board in the ocean for a few weeks instead of taking steroids?
Questions of the Week:
What happened to Rousseau's crew in the temple pit? Is the smoke monster really a security system?
Who is Charlotte's father?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Lost Items- #2 & 3
Lost Item #3- sparkly scarf. Whereabouts known.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Little Prince
2. Kate MIGHT lose Aaron... we shall see.
3. (LA traffic note)... I seriously doubt that they can make it from downtown LA to the Long Beach Marina in less than 2 hours
4. The Zodiac
5. Sawyer lost Kate again, and yeah, time travel is a b*tch.
6. Now I feel like an idiot for not figuring out that it was Ben all along who was trying to scare Kate.
7. My French. I could barely understand anything these frencies were saying.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Real Life Lost Item - #1
Yesterday I lost a blue zip up hoodie at the gym on the treadmill. I asked the lost and found at the gym and they don't have it. I probably shouldn't be writing this on the Internet because its actually my friends hoodie... maybe I will just tell her the smoke monster got it???
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Also, why is Desmond always on a boat? What is the significance of that?
2. Those three random survivors lost their lives tripping on that explosive wire. I cant imagine how frustrating it must be to have made it so long on the island and then to lose your life over something that dumb. I'd rather be taken down by the smoke monster or maybe the others.
3.When the hell have I been? This is not something lost but I really like the quote.
4. B0mb... lost somewhere on the island... found by the others.
5. This is a link to Richard Alpert's Wiki Page. (the real one) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_Dass
6. Sense of Style Desmond...what is with the scarf? Others woman from 50 years ago, whats with the braid? Also didn't they have bras back then?
Thank you.